Targeting Perfection
December 2018 | Issue: No. 14
Note From The CEO
TaP 2019 with Navident 2.1
Give the gift of Multi-Tool Dynamic Navigation
Navident and Endo
In the past, endodontics has been fraught with iatrogenically induced problems.
Endodontic access sets the foundation for conventional endodontic treatment. It can be argued that this is the most critical step in conventional endodontics. This can be further complicated with a tooth that presents with a calcified pulp chamber or canal. Navident’s dynamic navigation technology has ushered in a new and less disruptive era in Endodontics.
TaP and the ability to register slow and high-speed drills, trephines and piezotome saws, a feature of the v2.1 software, will obviate the excessive structure removal of freehand and static navigation access preparation.
Friday, the 14th of December began a most auspicious day in the evolution of Navident technology. Dr. Yosi Nahmias with the support of Dr. Ido Bermanis treated a severely calcified maxillary lateral incisor with pinpoint accuracy (Fig 1). No other dynamic navigation system enables the use of a high-speed handpiece for Endodontic access (Fig 2). Virtual control of the drill and ultrasonic tip in the x, y, z axes enabled targeted identification of the coronal-apical extent of the calcified canal. Figure 3 shows the insertion of a #08 file into the canal. Debridement, disinfection were performed with a #20 file (yellow) and a #25 nickel titanium file. This biominimalistic treatment is unprecedented in Endodontics.
Navident 2.1 can register piezotome surgical and ninja saws enabling cortical window crypt development and perpendicular resection of the apex. Navidentaltered the landscape of Implant surgery and now orthograde and retrograde Endodontics. Navident technology will continue to expand the vistas and horizons of targeted surgery and improvement in health care
JOMI Study
JOMI just published online a study of the accuracy of Navident-guided placement of 231 implants in both dentate (using NaviStent) and fully edentulous jaws: Accuracy of a Dynamic Dental Implant Navigation System in a Private Practice, by Luigi V. Stefanelli, DDS, PhD/Bradley S. DeGroot, DDS, MS/David I. Lipton, DDS, MS/George A. Mandelaris, DDS, MS. The study will appear in the Jan/Feb 2019 printed copy of the journal.
The mean entry point (2D), apex deviation (3D) and angular deviation measured for the last 50 implants were 0.59mm, 0.85mm and 1.98°, respectively. These remarkable in vivo results are probably the best ever reported. For reference, when guided by another dynamic navigation system, the corresponding entry/apex/angular deviations were reported as 0.74mm, 1.31mm and 3.15° (Block et al, JOMI 2017, cases 21-30 of two surgeons), and with static guides, 1.2mm, 1.4mm and 3.5° (Tahmaseb et al, COIR 2018).
Featured DNS course:
New Houston Course, March 23, 2019
Dynamic navigation is the next leap forward in the field of CT guided implantology. In fact it is the only modality of guidance that allows for real time verification and validation of positional accuracy. Take the next step forward in your implant practice and spend the day with us to see how navigation technology is the future for prosthetically directed implant therapy in clinical practice. Accuracy, Precision, Consistency and Simplification. Are you ready to go to the next level?
More information found here:
Registration form found here.
Reviews of previous Houston course
Dr Mike Hsieh
“Navident removes the unpredictability from implant placement. This course walks you through the system step by step. Even a novice can be placing implants with ease and predictability. A great cutting edge course for dentists who want to stay on top of their game”
Drs. Mitchell and Morgan Pierce
Toronto Workshop
If you are able to travel to Toronto, you are invited to attend our free monthly workshop hosted by NavidentClinical Director, Dr. Ido Bermanis. In this workshop, you will get hands on experience with Navident and its workflow. The workshop entitles you to 6 CE credits. Lunch is provided. Doctors can bring two members of their staff.
Here are the upcoming workshop dates: January 12, 2019, February 9, 2019, March 2, 2019, and April 13, 2019
To register, please email: [email protected]
To learn more about the course, please go here.
Reviews of Toronto Workshop
“I appreciate being given the opportunity to learn about your system. I truly feel this is how implants should be done, and your research seems to verify that.”
Dr. Laurie Houston
“Class was great! Definitely enjoyed the hands on portion — what a difference it makes looking at a monitor rather than a live patient. Dr. Ido was excellent”.
Dr. Timothy Violante