
Up-to-date information regarding ClaroNav and its products
Semi Robotics & GPS in Dentistry

Semi Robotics & GPS in Dentistry

The Semi Robotics & GPS in Dentistry conference was held on June 8, 2023, in Mumbai, India Venue: the Headquarters of the Indian Dental Association in Mumbai   Summary of the presentations: - Mani Krishnan, Indian Distribution Partner for Claronav Navident –...

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A year of innovation

A year of innovation

ClaroNav is a leader in the field of dynamic navigation in the medical and dental field and 2022 was a year filled with product innovation. This year, we released four new products: - 4th Generation MicronTracker Camera- Navident 4 EVO- Navient for Spine procedures-...

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Introducing MicronMapper

Introducing MicronMapper

The Micron Mapper is the next generation of advanced photogrammetry.   Key Benefits: Lightweight device at just over 1 lb.  Allows for increased ease of use and mobility during scan capture 1 scan body for soft tissue & photogrammetry scans Simplified process...

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Introducing Navident EVO

Introducing Navident EVO

September 29th in Zurich Switzerland at the EAO the Navident 4 EVO Pre-Launch began. Since that time the AAP, TDO (EndoCon) and ICOI events stateside have welcomed EVO with open arms. EVO represents an EVOlution in ClaroNav's Navident dynamic navigation system. The...

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Inaugural Consensus Meeting on Navident

Inaugural Consensus Meeting on Navident

ye On October 3rd a CONSENSUS MEETING on NAVIDENT took place in Rome, Italy.   A CONSENSUS MEETING wants to draw some conclusions, based on a peer-to-peer sharing of clinical experiences, on what are the best practices in applying specific protocols.   From a clinical...

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Navident 3 Receives FDA Clearance

Navident 3 Receives FDA Clearance

TORONTO, June 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ClaroNav Inc. announced today that it has received 510(k) clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the 3rd generation of Navident, its dental surgery navigation system. This expands the earlier clearance...

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Tradeshow Updates

Tradeshow Updates

We have attended some of the most prestigious dental tradeshows this fall and winter. If you have to chance to attend tradeshows, it is an excellent opportunity to meet the exhibitors and try new technology. You can use Navident yourself and speak to a member of our...

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DNS India Chapter Opening

DNS India Chapter Opening

DNS, short for the Dynamic Navigation Society, is the educational division of ClaroNav. The society hosts single and multiday workshops and meetings throughout North and South America, Europe and Asia, bringing education on dynamic navigation to new and experienced...

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Upcoming Navident educational opportunities

Upcoming Navident educational opportunities

Dental surgeons wishing to learn how to optimally apply Navident to their practice are invited to do so via in person events in August, September and October. There are events in India, Italy, Taiwan and Canada. Digital Full Mouth Rehabilitation August 14-15, 2021...

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Navident 3.0 Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Navident 3.0 Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Thank you to Dr. Selene Kuo and Dr. Tzu-Shan Chiu for an amazing webinar. Navident 3.0 Full Mouth Rehabilitation: The New Functional Abutment Selection and Bone Screw Trace Registration All-On-X for patents with failing dentition or full edentulism is one of the...

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Navident 3.0: How Far Can We Go In Endodontics

Navident 3.0: How Far Can We Go In Endodontics

Thank you to Dr. Paula Villa for conducting an amazing webinar and thanks to Dr Sameer Jain for being our moderator. Dr. Villa presented on Navident 3.0: How Far Can We Go In Endodontics Guided Endodontics has gained a lot of attention over the last years. Different...

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Navident featured in textbook

Navident featured in textbook

A new book by Springer has a chapter on dynamic guided surgery, featuring Navident. The chapter was written by Drs. Luigi Stefanelli and Silvia LaRosa Learn more here Here is the first page:

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Keeping up with Navident

Keeping up with Navident

Those who are already using Navident and wish to expand their knowledge, training and practice benefit from the monthly offered online sessions. Every last Friday of the month, clinicians and assistants can attend a free Navident online session, covering various...

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