Issue: No. 26

In this issue of Navident News:


  • Navident EVO Feedback Report

6 months post official release we asked experienced users how things were going.


  • Blue Sky Bio Navident Compatibility

Do you like planning in BSP? Plan as usual, export to Navident and start drilling.


  • Navident Training Opportunities

In person and virtual learning autumn schedule.


  • New Navident Distributors

Introducing 6 new dealers in 5 countries within APAC, EMEA and North America.


  • Navident Fall Tradeshows

On the road again and traveling to 6 of 7 continents this fall, sorry Antarctica 🙁


  • Navident Global Contacts

Our trusted sales, support and training team is looking forward to hearing from you.

Photo courtesy of Dr. Silvia La Rosa


After 6 months in the field we asked our experts

Dr. Jacques Vermeulen, France, relates his experience with Navident 


1. How long have you been using Navident UNO (Navident’s first system) and when did you receive your Navident EVO (Navident’s newest system)?

I started using Navident UNO in 2019 and I was very satisfied.

I received EVO at the beginning of 2023 and kept the UNO system for 3 months in my clinic as a precaution. I wanted to make sure that EVO worked perfectly. I was pleasantly surprised by EVO’s performance and the software’s user-friendliness.

95% of implant surgeries are now performed with EVO.


2. What prompted you to buy the upgrade?

The technical improvements in EVO versus UNO, such as: impression registration, autoclavable parts that are smaller and lighter, and especially the handpiece tracker which has no blank spots for the Navident EVO camera – which was a major flaw on the Navident UNO.

The protocol for complete edentulous cases using impression registration, without the need for osteosynthesis screws, played a positive role in my decision.

Future developments in EVO also convinced me. The forthcoming possibility of controlling the implantology engine and photogrammetric impression taking were also important factors in my decision.


3. How many cases have you performed with each system? Estimated.

I estimate having carried out at least 150 clinical cases with Navident UNO, and to date I’ve carried out 70 clinical cases with Navident EVO. This translates in over 500 implants placed with Navident.


4. What are your impressions of the improvements made to the EVO system?

1. Speed and user-friendliness of the planning software. For example, with Navident UNO, I used to carry out an implant pre-study on Simplant and since I’ve got EVO, I’ve totally abandoned this pre-study. I now carry out the study directly on EVO.

2. Ease of STL matching, either from the optical impression or from a study of the prosthetic project by the laboratory. It only takes a few seconds! 

3. Impression registration eliminates the need for tracing (saving 1 to 2 minutes) and the need to place osteosynthesis screws in the case of the completely edentulous, or in the case of immediate implant extraction


6. Would you recommend it to a colleague and why?


I would simply say that the future lies in dynamically guided surgery! Implant placement without planning and dynamic assistance would be like driving a car without GPS, an airbag or a braking assistant.

The time lag between planning and dynamic guided surgery is negligible.

24 years ago, when I tried to convince my colleagues that the use of a static guide would be the future, I was preaching to the choir.

Today, ALL young practitioners use static guidance…! In fact, they’re 20 years behind the times …!

Today, we need to invest in dynamic guidance, which allows a rapid transition from planning to surgery and avoids the use of highly polluting and expensive resins. Partial robotization of implant placement will soon become an obligation.

Here are your Navident contacts


If you have any questions regarding any of the information contained in this newsletter please contact your Navident partner organization or the appropriate person below.

Corporate Partnerships and International Distribution:
Jason Pardo
[email protected]

Tom Tilmans
[email protected]

Erik Chang
[email protected]

Southern Europe
Luca Casalena
[email protected]

Canada + (West NY, OH, Ind, Ill, Mi, Min, ND, Mon, Id, Wash)
Darrell Cook
[email protected]

Dr. Francisco Casadesus
[email protected]

Dr. Ido Bermanis
[email protected]

Training and Continuing Education
Beth Budreau
[email protected]